Who is Shoeshoe

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Myself at the GCIS Parliamentary Studios
In 2004, while I was supposed to be focussed in completing my National Diploma in Electrical Engeneering, I stumble into radio. That was the last of electrons and nutrons for me. How disappointed my father must have been when I told him I will not be persuing the dream of trying to buld circuits.

My Radio Life with Zibonele 98.2 FM

Radio Zibonele is basically the place where I can say I found myself in terms of what I wanted to do with my career. It influenced so much of what I have become today.

Radio Zibonele is a Community Radio Station Broadcasting from the Township of Khayelitsha.

I started off as a seSotho News readear at the station. I vividly remember my first day. It was a Saturday, and On-Air was the patient Ben Daza. I stumbled and bit my tongue untill I was reduced to tears. News that were supposed to have been read in for 5 minutes, took me 15 minutes. I had to cut the last two stories because there just wasn’t time. If not for Ben and Phetho Ntaba, who was at the time a veteran of Sesotho news at the Station, I would have left those containers we were broadcasting from and never came back.
I grew in the Industry, under the Supervision of Siyabulela Mqikela, in fact, I must try find out where he is.
A year and few months down the line, I was insulted by General Bantu Holomisa, in a Live Interview during the 2006 Local Gov Elections. The General bluntly said to me, I must go back to school, that I was incompetent and unqualified. Little did he know that, I had never sat behind the desk and learnt how to ask questions. He did later apologise, that all that matters to me.
For one that is as ambious as I am, it is never easy to sit in one place. Oppotunities presentd themselves and I left the station. But Radio Zibonele will still remain the one wall I craweled on and became me.

14 thoughts on “Who is Shoeshoe

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  1. I love your story. I didn’t know you were a news reader before ,amazing..when u said u r involve with media ,I always tot ,its was desk related , not actually seating behind the microphone…I’m really impress
    I believe nothing is easy in life..if u believe in something ,just go for it,don’t let anyone stop u.
    That’s success..falling is easy ,but dusting urself its the most difficult thing to do
    Ma cherie tu vas arriver..le succes c’est la patience et le travail.
    Bonne journee ma cherie


  2. I love your story. I didn’t know you were a news reader before ,amazing..when u said u r involve with media ,I always tot ,its was desk related , not actually seating behind the microphone…I’m really impress
    I believe nothing is easy in life..if u believe in something ,just go for it,don’t let anyone stop u.
    That’s success..falling is easy ,but dusting urself its the most difficult thing to do
    Ma cherie tu vas arriver..le succes c’est la patience et le travail.

    Bonne journee ma cherie


  3. Great story.

    I believe you could maybe enhance it with more descriptions about the area where you leaved and where the radio is built. you could aslo tell us more about how the Radio station impacts the live of the community in general.

    How have this drastical change in your career path influenced the harmony within your family in general.


  4. fantastic story of a talented girl whose passion for radio and hunger for success will remain as lively as ever. you go girl! you are in my prayers and thoughts – always.


  5. Its not how you start the race that matters but it is how you end it
    I am really impressed with your achievements my friend
    May God take you from glory to glory


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